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Вы здесь » AMAZING FORUM SINCE 2006+ » Музыка. Обобщение » тексты Limp Bizkit

тексты Limp Bizkit

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Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog

Ladies and gentlement!
Introducing the Chocolate Starfish!
and the Hotdog Flavored Water
Bring it on!
Get the fuck up!
Check, one, two

Listen up, listen up!
Here we go
It's a fucked world
We're a fucked up place
Everybody's judged by their fucked up face
Fucked up dreams
Fucked up life
A fucked up kid
With a fucked up knife
Fucked up moms
And fucked dads
It's a fucked up a cop
With a fucked up badge
Fucked up job
With fucked up pay
And a fucked up boss
Is a fucked up pain
Fucked up press
And fucked up lies
Well, Lethal's in the back
With the fact of the fires

Hey, it's on
Everybody knows this song
Hey, it's on
Everybody knows this song

Ain't it a shame that you can't say "Fuck"
Fuck's just a word
And it's all fucked up
Like a fucked up punk
With a fucked up mouth
A nine ninch nail
I'll get knocked the fuck out
Fucked up babes
Who fucked up sex
Fake ass titties
On a fucked up chest
We're all fucked up
So whatcha wanna do?
We fucked up me
And fucked up you

You wanna fuck me like an animal
You'd like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me

Ain't life a bitch?
A fucked up bitch
A fucked up soul with a fucked up stitch
A fucked up head
Is a fucked up shame
Swinging on my nuts
Is a fucked up game
Jealousy filling up a fucked up mind
It's real fucked up
Like a fucked up crime
If I say "Fuck", two more times
That's twenty six "Fucks" in this fucked up rhyme

It's on
Everybody knows this song
Hey, it's on
Everybody knows this song

You wanna fuck me like an animal
You'd like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me

Hooo Haaa Haaaw!
Listen up baby
You.. can't.. bring.. me.. (bring me).. down
I.. don't.. think.. so
I don't want some
You.. better.. check.. your.. (check it).. self
Before.. you.. wreck.. your.. self
This.. my.. star.. fish
My.. choco.. late.. Starfish.. punk
This.. my.. star.. fish
My.. choco.. late.. Starfish.. punk

You wanna fuck me like an animal
You'd like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me



ну как вам?))



Маленькая песенка от Мэд Дог, называется "Странные игры людей"

Расставив сеть неслышно
Ловя нас молча на прицел
Мерцая светом вспышек
Остатки ночи ищут цель

Странные игры людей

Спасенье бесполезно
И разжимается рука
Все поглощает бездна
Пустынная земля мертва



LIMP BIZKIT - 4 EVER ! =))))  :lol:  а MaD DoG ...... Snoopy лучше ))



MR.zLO <3  ~1!Fe~ написал(а):

LIMP BIZKIT - 4 EVER ! =))))  :lol:  а MaD DoG ...... Snoopy лучше ))

хорошо хоть ты не сказал опять что мне нраица реп))


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